Ghana will be hosting the Regional Development Forum (RDF) for the Africa region, from 18th to 20th July, 2018 at the Accra International Conference Centre.
The forum will serve as a platform for assessing strategic orientation that may have an impact on BDT’s regional work plan in the World Telecommunication Development Conferences (WTDCs).
The RDF which is being organized under the theme, “ICT4SDGs: Towards the implementation of WTDC17 outcomes,” will provide an opportunity for high- level dialogue between the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) and decision makers of ITU member States as well as sector players to jaw-jaw on the development of ICT in their respective countries.
Speaking at a news conference in Accra, the Regional Director for the Regional Office for Africa Telecommunication Development Bureau, Andrew Rugege said the forum will focused on strengthening human and institutional capacity building, strengthening and harmonizing policy and regulatory frameworks for the integration of African telecommunication/ICT markets.
He added the development of broadband access and adoption of broadband, spectrum management and transition to digital broadcasting and building confidence and security in the use of telecommunications/ICTs.
Mr. Rugege indicated that the RDF will discuss the ITU Africa Regional Initiatives (2018-2022) in relation to the Buenos Aires Action Plan (BaAP) and ITU Strategic Plan.
According to him, the forum will seek partnership opportunities for building digital economies and fostering innovation in Africa(RII), promotion of emerging broadband technologies(R12), building trust and security in the use of telecommunications/information and communication technology (RI3) as well as strengthening human and institutional capacity building(RI4).
He added management and monitoring of the radio frequency spectrum and transition to digital broadcasting (RIS).
Mr. Rugege opined that the RDF also seeks to share best practices and past experiences in implementation of the ITU Africa Regional Initiatives 2014/20 18, associated ITU programs, initiatives, partnerships and projects.
He emphasized that the Forum will be followed by a Regional Workshop on Spectrum Monitoring on 23rd and 24th July, 2018 at the same venue for radio communications experts who would also be able to attend RDFDAFR 2018.
The RDF, which is being organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in partnership with the Ministry for Communications will have detailed working group breakout sessions to focus on each Regional Initiative towards the expected results and further outline the partners concerned and discuss possible projects and funding modules.